What follows is the opinion of Big Brother. It is protected speech under the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Reese Reports does another great story. This time on the now overwhelming evidence of death and injury from the jabs. Despite this evidence the main stream media still pushes them and covers up any discussion contrary to the jab narrative. They are all truly complicit in the horror that is unfolding before our eyes. How much longer before even the average skeptic of the dangers can no longer deny they exist. By the time time this happens, how irreversible will the damage be?

Though I suspect they know the truth is coming out with the recent Atlantic article trying to begin the discussion of “Pandemic Amnesty”. The idea that “we just didn’t know” so “don’t be butt hurt by everything we said and did during the pandemic”, let’s just “forgive and forget and move on”. I don’t forgive pure evil, which this is. I don’t know how to draw the lines of who is evil and who is a willful blind minion simply falling in line with authority. Regardless, just as the elites during the Holocaust were guilty of the crimes, the general public was not given a pass for their willful acceptance of those crimes. Forgive and forget, that is way above my pay grade.

Greg Reese On Jab Deaths
Greg Reese On Jab Deaths

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