As we approach the end of 2021, we can examine where we are compared to the end of 2020. Plain and simple, the jabs are the biggest difference.
So many people believe these are just like any other jab throughout history. Even Big Brother has had the gambit of jabs over the years. Smallpox, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Tetanus and even Flu shots until this year. I knew that there were occasional adverse events with all of these but also knew they had been widely used for many years and those events were quite rare. The jabs for the plague are very much different.
The majority of the new jabs are not produced in a manner consistent other jabs. Most of them use what is referred to as mRNA technology. It is essentially a gene therapy. The jabs that came before would take a part of a virus, either live or dead, and introduce it to the body in a manner that would allow the immune system to see it and react but it would be neutered in such a manner that it would not produce the disease. These new jabs are quite different.
They introduce synthetic genetic material into the cells of the body and cause the protein factories in those cells to produce something our bodies were not designed to produce, a spike protein. This spike protein is believed to be consistent with proteins on the plague virus. The body produces these spike proteins and initiates an immune response to them. This method to making a jab is so inconsistent with a traditional jab that they had to change the definition of the jab. You don’t have to take my word on this.
Go to Google and search for Merriam-Webster. The iconic dictionary company’s site should be at the top of the list. On their site search for the definition of “Vaccine”. Once you have this copy the URL from the Address Bar of your browser. Then go back to Google and lookup “Way Back Machine”. The 1st item in the search results will be for the Internet Archive known as the Way Back Machine. Once you are there, paste the URL you copied into its search bar. From the results you can select points in time when a snapshot of the webpage associate to the URL was taken.
You can take my word for it if you don’t want to hassle with this. On 1/18/21 Merriam-Webster had one definition. On 1/27/21, the next point in time that a snapshot was taken, it had multiple definitions including the mRNA technology I mentioned before. Believe me as Big Brother, I can certainly appreciate the ability to change the language to suit your needs.
If the people in government had said, “we want to give every person on the planet an experimental gene therapy that has never before been used on humans and has only had a few months testing”, I think there would have been a lot more hesitancy. If you can change the definition of the word, “vaccine” and then tell everyone we have a vaccine for everyone, it sounds much more palatable. The CEO of Moderna thought so as well. He is on record stating basically this. It is easy to fall into the mindset of, “vaccines have been used for over a century and tend to be relatively safe, so this one by extension should be relatively safe as well”. You have a word for a biologic that most people have had in one form or another so they are easily beguiled into comfort with it. That is unless they were wise enough to catch the “sleight of hand” with the definition.
This is a brand-new technology. The governments of the world are obsessed with putting it in every single person in the world. It does not take a genius to see the potential for disaster. Thalidomide is a medication that was given to woman in the late 1950s and early 1960s for morning sickness. This medication went through the normal testing and approval process. After roughly 80,000 dead and 20,000 significantly deformed babies, it was discontinued.
This is a single example of a medication that had gone through normal testing and went to market. It caused massive death and deformities before it was removed. These jabs have not had anywhere near the testing and scrutiny of thalidomide but the governments of the world are pushing it to everyone. Where are the 3-year safety studies? How about the 5-year? We don’t know. Anyone that tells you different is abject lying to your face.
Safe and effective is the term I have heard mostly used to describe these jabs. I have seen countless horror stories that I try to share on this site that has convinced me that they are neither safe nor effective. I will rephrase this. They very well may be effective but that depends on the effect the powers that be are looking for.
All I can say is if you have been jabbed, don’t take any boosters. If you have not, you are a powerful person to stand up to all the tactics they are throwing at you to get it. You made it a year of, 1st trying to buy your compliance and then subsequent efforts attempting to threaten your freedom or livelihood. If you made it this far you are truly a warrior in this fight. Stand strong, you are not alone!!!
Big Brother.