On September 11, 2001 something historic happened. This is not what you might expect but it is related to what you expect. On the day, three skyscrapers in New York City were bright down by two airplanes and office fires if you believe the narrative. The historic part of this isn’t the attack itself though that was historic. The historic part I refer to is that not before nor since has any steel framed building collapsed due to fire.
An office fire or even jet fuel does not burn hot enough to meet steel. The twin towers could be argued that the physical impact somehow caused them to be weakened. I find this highly unlikely but we won’t focus on them here. There is a third building, World Trade Center 7 that collapse 7 hours after the north tower went down. This building did not have a plane impact with it. This was a 47 story building that simply had office fires that went through the it until 5:20 PM when it simply collapsed into its footprint at free fall speed in 7 seconds. Free fall would indicate that the tower had no structural support to resist gravity. How can this be. The building looked exactly like a coordinated implosion. Experts that do implosions indicate it takes exact preparations and timing to make a building do what this one did. I contend to do what all 3 towers did that day but WTC 7 is what this movie focuses on. A great analysis by engineering experts. Enjoy,
***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to oceanianow.com and has not been verified for accuracy. Do your own research. This is simply posted as opinion.