George Carlin Knew
Anyone that knows me knows what the answer is when they ask, “hey Big Brother, what will be the downfall of the human species?”. The answer would have traditionally been,…
World Economic Forum’s View of Life in 2030
The World Economic Forum put out a video in which they stated by 2030 that, “you will own nothing and be happy”. This is a short snippet video from Del…
Anyone that Thinks the News is Independent Watch This!!!
The main stream news is controlled by a small group and it comes out in how coordinated the message is. Crazy!!! ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and…
Parents Fight Back at School Board are Being Declared Domestic Terrorists
Disgusting trend occurring. The DOJ is considering labeling parents that protest by addressing local school boards as domestic terrorists. These parents are simply angry over what is being taught and…
How Far Will People go to Follow Authority?
The Milgram Experiment named after its inventor psychologist Stanley Milgram is a controversial experiment that was conducted back in 1962. It sought to answer the question of why generally descent…
Australia is now a Fascist State
The people of Australia are being subjected to some of the most severe COVID restrictions in the world. They are also being imposed with the most draconian and savage police…
Kill Shot
Great little video on how we got here. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been verified for accuracy. Do your own research. This is simply…
America’s Frontline Doctors Presser at the SCOTUS
Apology, I have not edited this. The 1st 4 minute 43 second is white noise. Skip forward to that point to avoid the long wait. This is a great group…
Seven, the Story of the Forgotten 9/11 Tower
On September 11, 2001 something historic happened. This is not what you might expect but it is related to what you expect. On the day, three skyscrapers in New York…
Uttar Pradesh India COVID Free After Campaign to Give All Citizens Ivermectin
Uttar Pradesh, India, a state with 240 million citizens, has declared that they are COVID free. This is despite vaccination rates around 5%. Despite these low vaccination rate, they have…