Plandemic Movie
It is a long interview but not really a full length movie. Great content by Judy Mikovits PhD. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been…
Great Compilation of Dissenting Expert Voices
Great video with many, many doctors and scientists expressing dissent to the COVID narrative. More importantly they express why many, many more don’t come out. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not…
This is Karma
To start, I do not wish anyone, any ill. There is a special kind karma though when someone that is supposed to be a doctor. Someone that spent so many…
Short Video That Says It How It Is
Great short video where they actually say they disguised the jab gene therapy as a vaccine to deceive the people into taking it. They literally say that 2 years ago…
Aussie Nurses Discuss Loosing Jobs
Brave nurses no longer have jobs because they refused the jab. Discuss 11/20 rally as well. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been verified for…
London Protest by Health Care Workers
Powerful on the street interviews with health care workers protesting on the deadline date for mandatory jabs or fired. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not…
Greta Gets Owned
Incredible short rebuke of Greta Thunberg. Must see!!! ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been verified for accuracy. Do your own research. This is simply…
Aussie Detention Centers are for the Non-Jabbed
Aussie state premier spills it. Detention centers are for the un-jabbed. Sounds more like 1940’s Germany then Australia. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been…
Pfizer Fined $2.3 Billion
Pfizer was fined 2.3 billion dollars including 1.8 billion in criminal fines back in 2009. This was and still is the largest in history. The fines stemmed from Pfizer illegally…
Selfishness is OK When it Comes to Medical Interventions
Professor details why it is proper to be selfish when it comes to the jabs or any other medical intervention. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has…