Inventor of PCR Explains That it is Not a Test for Infectious Disease
Kerry Mullis won a Noble Prize for the invention of PCR. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is a process that as its investor states, “make a lot of…
Big Brother is Out For Watching You!!!
Kerry Mullis won a Noble Prize for the invention of PCR. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is a process that as its investor states, “make a lot of…
This is a great expose about the nature of the COVID 19 pandemic, or as it is labeled in this video a “Plandemic”. This covers a great deal of the…
A father, while addressing his local school board, served each member with a $200 million lawsuit. It was his way of telling them to stop segregating based on medical status.…
This incredible man is standing up for bodily autonomy. Take the experimental jab or lose you ability to feed your children. What have we come to? ***Disclaimer*** This video does…
Project Veritas continuing to do great work. This is an interview with Pfizer whistleblower. She has executive emails discussing suppression of human fetal tissue being used in the production of…
Project Veritas is doing some incredible work. This one has scientists from Pfizer admitting on hidden camera that natural immunity is better than the jabs. They also touch on the…
This is a great video that in 15 minutes covers almost the entire problems with the COVID jabs. Enjoy!!! ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not…
James Corbett does a fantastic job covering the problems with the 9/11/2001 narrative. It might be anecdotal but it does make you question what the government and media tells you.…
Interesting video where a doctor decides to check the blood of one of his patients before and after the 1st and 2nd jab for key factors related to immune response.…
This video is a fascinating interview with John O’Looney, UK funeral director. Max Egan of The Crowsnest is the source of the interview. It covers Mr O’Looney’s observation of the…