This is a great documentary on global warming. It goes through the true science that the sun is the true driver of climate. CO2 levels do correlate to the rising temperature but higher CO2 levels are a symptom of the rising temperatures not a cause. The CO2 cause is simply a method of control and making money. Scientists get grant money support the theory and critics don’t. It is been sold the masses and has literally became a new religion. Skeptics are called heretics. This is from back when it was still called “global warming”. Now it’s “climate change”. Guess what, climate always changes!!! They even say how when writing a grant application, you indicate the item you want to research and importantly indicate how this is impacted by global warming. This latter piece ensures you get the grant. Seems like the scientist have skin in the game.

The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Great Global Warming Swindle

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