Natalie Morris of Redacted discusses with Portuguese attorney Alexandre Guerrero a case in his country regarding the use of the PCR test to determine that a person has COVID. In the US this test has been labeled by health “experts” as the “Gold Standard” for the detection and diagnosis of COVID. Pretty much anyone watching this already knows that PCR when ran at a cycle threshold of 30 or more (Fauci says 35 or more) is worthless, producing upwards of 90% false positives (this attorney states 97% false positive). In this case the Portuguese court found that PCR was not suitable for this purpose. This is just another nail in the coffin of the COVID narrative. In the 20, 21 and 22 PCR was used to label all the cases of COVID. Based on this court finding, all these positive results should be thrown out or at the very least marked as unreliable.

PCR PROVEN Unreliable COVID Test in Court Case
PCR PROVEN Unreliable COVID Test in Court Case

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