Several prominent scientist are on record debunking the whole climate crisis hoax. This includes 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics co-winner Dr John Clauser . It is increasingly apparent that this is all a scam. I remember temperatures being significantly warmer when I was younger. The evidence of even hotter periods in the 1930s is undeniable. This video also covers a Project Veritas undercover recording of a CNN Technical Director explaining how the media is going to push climate next after COVID and get Trump out of office. I know I walk out in nature and everything looks perfect. Like the planet has built in pressure values to accommodate for variations in conditions and maintain a relatively stable environment. Do things changeā¦of course. But they are manageable. How many pictures of beaches from 70 years ago I have seen compared to current ones that appear relatively unchanged. Yet we are constantly bombarded with, we 12 years until the end of the world. Well I’ve personally heard those types of claims 3 to 4, 12 years period and running and we are still here. Claims in 1989 that the Maldives will be under water if we don’t address climate change by the turn of the century. The turn of the century was 23 year years ago and the Maldives are alive and well. It’s the ole’ boy who cried wolf scenario going on but the village folk don’t ever seem to get it. They just keep running out to the field to the see the little boy laughing his ass off because he tricked them again.