About Oceania Now

Greetings from Airstrip One. Having successfully hacked the Big Brother Network, I now block the government indoctrination propaganda. Instead I spread real “Newspeak” on the events of the world. Now I am Big Brother and Big Brother is watching out for you.

The government, big tech and the main stream media attempts to suppress and censor the truth. You see, we live in a world where most people simply believe the facade that is being stretched in front of their eyes. They live their lives under the illusion that everything is as the government and the media tells them, secure in the blissful ignorance of what is truly happening in the world. This illusion is pervasive and insidious. It Is designed to exert the maximum control over the masses by tricking them into believing they are free. Newspeak would expose this illusion to the masses, so it therefore must be eliminated to maintain the power and control of the global elite.

This is where Oceania Now comes in. I scour the Internet for sources of Newspeak that the governments, main stream media and big tech attempts to hide from you. Consider me a crusader, operating in the shadows to break the vise that the government exerts on information. Usurping their title, I use the moniker to spread the truth and awaken the masses, bringing light to a dark world.

This information is actively suppressed and censored. You won’t find these videos and articles on the YouTube or Facebook or be able to get these views and opinions by searching Google. This begs the question, why? Why suppress and censor. If the views and opinions of big tech and the government are so sound, why suppress opposing views. Should they not be able to win in the court of public opinion based on the merit of their case.

Take the whole COVID scamdemic. Facebook and YouTube will block any material that is contrary to the views held by the WHO and CDC. If someone posts these type of opinions to often they can even find themselves outright banned from these platforms. They are blocking scientific debate. In 1517, heresy was questioning the Roman Catholic Church. Today, heresy is questioning the new religion of the enlightened…science or at least the fallen science of the global elites. Fallen, it is because the most basic definition of science is, “question everything“.

So this is how my mind operates. I know the government, big tech and main stream media have and will lie to us. They have done it before, they will do it again. They do it for their own motivations, not based on some sense of greater good. Now that I have opened my mind to this reality, when I hear any one of them speak I assume it is a lie. They are not in it for you or me. As George Carlin said, “it is a big club and you ain’t in it”.

Do you know where the term “conspiracy theorist” came from? The CIA brought this term into existence to label anyone that questioned the Warren Report on the assassination of President John F Kennedy. Our own government sought to marginalize and discredit citizens that questioned the “magic bullet” theory or whether this average at best marksman could pull off 3 world class shots in around 8 seconds with a cheap Italian bolt action rifle. There was and is plenty to question here but our own government started a propaganda campaign to make anyone that did, out to be a nut job. It was quite effective and the term has taken on a life of its own and it lives on today.

Most of the content I bring you is information I have found on alternative sources and only wish to help spread the knowledge. These sources are not as sophisticated as the big tech giants and as such can have buffering issues. Sometimes the videos might not even play. This is out of my control. All rights to the content I share belongs to their respective creators. I represent that I cannot verify the authenticity of every video. I do try to validate as much as time allows but cannot attest to each and every assertion that is made in each video, especially since a great deal of it is of a scientific nature. I am not a scientist and do not attempt to present myself as one. I can listen to multiple scientific experts though and give my opinion on the ones I find most credible as can anyone else. So as such, any commentary I make on any of this information is strictly my opinion. Do your own research, do not take my word for it. I just fear that too many do not do this. They simply listen to the person the government says is the authority on the subject and outright dismisses any other opinions.

I share based on principals of Fair Use. I do not attempt to monetize this effort in anyway, so I am not profiting by sharing any of this content. If any content creators believe that I am infringing on their work, they can email me at bigbrother@oceanianow.com and I will remove said content. I host no content other than my own and simply link to the external sources.