Found this video, below is what I commented. I should also have said we came to our conclusions not by accident as you seem to imply.

I appreciate your coming to reality. I do think your analysis is slightly flawed. You believe that it is simply that we don’t trust big pharmaceutical companies and big gov. You are correct on that. There’s a couple things you overlooked. They did not properly test the jabs. Thalidomide was properly tested and approved to treat morning sickness. Prescribed for several year until they finally made the connection that babies were being born with hideous deformities. That is with something that was fully tested and approved. This was so fast track it was not even close to a full test. Big Pharm from the beginning tried to hide the limited results. Then there was the oversell. Everywhere “get the jab”, “get the jab”. Stephen Colbert doing a dance routine with a bunch of men dressed as syringes. It’s safe and effective. Look up a good video on the Milgram Experiment. It shows how about 2/3 of all will do things that are against their better judgment, even against their innate instincts to preserve life if an authority figure says to do it. Funny how about 2/3 of the population went along with the jab experiment and that is what it was. There was nothing scientific about it. Science is question everything. If you questioned the jabs what happened to you? I think you know. So I do appreciate your “coming to Jesus” moment but appreciate that it was more than simply paranoia about the Big Gov and Big Pharm. That had a lot to do with it but I would not call it paranoia. Big Pharm has a long history of deceit in their testing all in the quest for more money. Who cares who gets damaged. They’ll never face real consequences. A fine here and there that is simply the cost of doing business to them. They deceive to make money, people get hurt but they never face criminal penalties. The regulators make most of their money from the companies they regulate. Then after being their little minions, they get cushy job with those same companies when they leave the public sector.

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