No sure who this guy is. I agree with him on some points and not on others about how to deal with AI. I agree it could become an existential threat. He is focusing on the industry as if they are the only ones in the business of AI development. If governments can regulate the industries it will save us. He ignores that this is an arms race with other countries. The one who wins will have the ultimate knowledge over those who lose. I don’t want it to be like this but I also don’t want the Chinese Communist Party to get there first. Also the nature of how AI is a threat is also misunderstood. Yes, they could go all Terminator on us. A more likely scenario is they more and more do the thinking for humanity. The brain can atrophy just like any other system of the body. We could easily begin to devolve. We could end up like HG Wells’ Molock and Eloi. We would be the child like Eloi to the AI Molocks except the Molocks in this scenario don’t really need the Eloi.

Dangers of AI
Dangers of AI

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