Greg Reese is in Moscow talking with a Jan 6th refugee. This man describes how the West has this misconception on Russia. The people there are very community focused. There is a populism that has sprung from the incredible revitalization of the church after the banning of it under the Soviets. Cities in the West appear dirty and crime ridden while ones in Russia are clean and safe. I must say there is some draw to me to this place. It reminds me of what I used to see in my own country before the extreme liberal policies ran it into the ground. We now have groups promoting every vile immoral act as part of being free. The country I knew and loved went away with Norman Rockwell and Ronald Reagan. To have a place that aspires to being a good and descent society does have its appeal. I am too old to make this leap. I would be a fish out of water in a land where I could hardly communicate. To channel Reagan again, it is ironic that the “shining city on the hill” is looking more like Moscow and St Petersburg these days. Perhaps Trump can right the ship and bring me back home in the heart.

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