I love Vee’s perspective on things. He can generally get a good chuckle out of me. Like calling Tim Pool “meanie beanie”. In this one he goes off on Tim Pool’s manufactured outrage at how AI’s output can be inappropriate at times. That is what makes it fun!!! To see how this creation of our collective genius deals with questions. We have been conditioned to handle a particular situations a particular way. These Ads don’t have the same social constraints. Seeing how they navigate a question differently from the way we would is the whole benefit of the exercise. Complaints like this do nothing but as Vee puts it, causes the owners of these tools to ‘”lobotomize” them. This just reinforces the nanny state, wuss culture where people are too delicate to hear such things. Get a pair and treat the results for what they are.

Vee on Tim Pool’s Moral Outage at AI
Vee on Tim Pool’s Moral Outage at AI

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