The Jaxon Report on Del Bigtree’s The Highwire covers how people at the top of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) attempted to delete emails and even had indications in the body of the email a deliberate attempt to avoid Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA). These communications were regarding the gain of function research that our government was (is?) funding through the EcoHealth Alliance and Dr Peter Daszak. They gloss over a back and forth where David Moreno at the NIH sends a Gmail (not able to be FOIA’d) to Peter Daszak stating that he learned of a way to delete official emails after being FOIA’d but before the sweep of the data takes place. He said he learned this trick from the lady in charge of NIH’s FOIA who he says “hates FOIA”. Jeffrey and Del are like, “put the person that hates FOIA in charge of FOIA”. Later David Moreno states the trick did not work and every email has been archived. I think this lady is a patriot and set a great trap for this person to hang himself thinking he could simply delete stuff when the heat was on. If he thought he would get caught, he would have simply moved everything over to Gmail. Love it. More and more is coming every day. We must remain diligent and not simply accept the first person they try to hang this whole COVID and Jab scam on. It goes to the top and those responsible should face a fate similar to the worst they inflicted on the masses.

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