The Highwire’s Jaxen Report does some great analysis of adverse events related to the jabs. They have supporting studies that show similar results to their V-Safe data analysis from roughly a year ago. The V-Safe data showed about 32% of jab recipients reported a significant health impact from the jab. They now have a study of health care workers from the UK that shows over 34% of those in the study also had a significant health impact post jab. Pretty compelling. The Pail Offit statement that science is always questioning everything but then also stating the scientist have to have a unified message to keep peoples confidence in the jab high is incredibly telling. Have been saying for the past 3 years, “Science is questioning everything”. The entire idea of “settled science” is the antithesis of science. They then go on to show. a study of how the spike protein form the jabs hang around in the body for upwards of 180 days where unjabbed that had COVID clears any signs of the spike protein in blood at around 2 days. Then they go on to cover a product call Apeel. This is coating that is sprayed on fruits and vegetables to preserve them longer. It is scary how much this is being pushed and never really been tested over a long period.
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