World Alternative Media covers a news story on the building of 2 carbon capture facilities called a Direct Air Capture (DAC) facility. These pull CO2 from the air. This is insane. CO2 is the food of plants. We were at a dangerously low level in the 20th century. This combined with Stratospheric Aerosol Injection that is designed to reduce the amount of solar radiation that can get to the surface of the Earth, we see a direct assault on the ability of the planet to produce food and O2 that animals breath. We are currently at around 430 PPM of CO2. Before the recent rise in levels we were at around 225 PPM. 180 PPM is the death level. Below the level, plant cannot survive. This would cause complete collapse of the food cycle for not only humans but every animal on the planet. You all know where I think this will take us. In the short term, it will create an incredible demand for the industrialized food that people like Bill Gates has invested. Then they will say we can’t transport this food all across the county and world. We need all the people massed near the production facilities…ie 15 minute prisons, subsisting on Soylent Green.

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