In this Epoch Times video, Roman goes through climate predictions from the past 70 or so years that never seem to pan out. As with all scams, they always throw out sensational predictions that are just out far enough that when they don’t come true, most people will have forgotten that they made the incorrect prediction and just be focused on the latest, greatest doomsday predictions. Always seems like it’s 12 years. Get greenhouse gas in check in 12 years or the planet is doomed. 12 years and the Maldives will be under water. Now the clock on the side of Best Buy in New York is nearly half way through the 12 year prediction that it was set to. How long before they have to quietly reset it, similar to how the US National Park Service had to remove the sign in Glacier National Park that indicated the glacier would be gone by 2020? It is a scam. An effort to install fear, because fear equals control. Don’t let them scare you into compliance with draconian new policies!!!
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