Part of the “approval” of the Pfizer COVID Jab, Comirnaty was to produce a study on the instances of Myocarditis by 12/31/2022. They apparently have not hit this date and somehow they have been given and extension to 6/30/2023. The video speculates the reason is simply that the study is done and they are delaying the release to avoid the public seeing the unfavorable results. I have a more cynical view. The study has not been released because it has not been started. This is because Comirnaty has not been given to any patients. This whole approval was a shell game from the beginning. The approval was for “Comirnaty”. If you go to get a jab today you will not receive product named Comirnaty. The FDA threw a caveat in the approval stating the EUA jab, BTN162b2 could be used “interchangeably” with Comirnaty. The reason at the time was that it allowed Pfizer to use their remaining stock of the EUA version. So the shell game goes. They never stopped using the EUA version and the government got their “approved” jab that they could use to try and strong arm all the hold outs that said they would not get it until it was approved. All those people that gave in back then and everyone to this date have not received an approved jab. So there are no patients that have received Comirnaty to have a sufficient base of patients to base a study on.
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