So there was a derailment of a train in East Palestine, Ohio. This train had 5 cars containing 25 to 33 thousand gallons of a chemical vinyl chloride. This is an extremely hazardous chemical that is now spilling into the environment and burning byproducts into the atmosphere. It is being downplayed by officials of course. According to the people in this video, it is far more dangerous a situation than is being presented to the public.

I cannot be certain but it could all be part of the agenda. Agenda 2030 has us all living a much different life than we do now. Rural living is to be replaced with 15 minute cities. This is a colossal change to bring about in a very short period of time. Not everyone will want to go to these prison cities. How do you get the “holdouts” to have little choice but to give up their ranches and natural estates? You make the environment no longer livable. If the rural areas were to be made poisonous, then the masses would have little choice but to go wherever the government says. It would be a multi-pronged approach. Attack the food supply on one side and make vast areas uninhabitable from these “disasters” on the other side. If they can make it so there is no food in some areas and poison others, it will literally be like driving cattle to the slaughter.

As I stated, I cannot be certain of this. This is merely speculation. I just believe, when we know the outcome that is desired, we know the planned timeframe for this outcome and then something happens. Something that is incredibly convenient to that cause. It tends to appear less and less circumstantial.

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