Former Twitter executives were grilled in a House hearing last week. In this video there are some quite impressive shots taken at Vijaya Gadde by North Carolina Representative Nancy Mace(R). She claims in her questioning of Gadde to have suffered side effects of the jabs. Such claims on Twitter when these Gadde was in charge could have easily led to suppression or outright censorship. Rep. Mace lambastes Gadde on the fact that she has no medical training yet still felt qualified to censor the “expert opinions” of some of the most highly qualified people on the planet on these matters. I love the look on Gadde’s face during all this. The GOP had better do something meaningful with this information. They had better not let these people or the people in the government making the censorship requests slide. I have basically lost all faith in any party in this county. This has the potential to allow them to regain a modicum of my respect. Don’t waste the opportunity!!!
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