Big Brother’s favorite friar, Calvin Robinson, makes a great GBN commentary on the recent studies supporting the efficacy of Vitamin D3 with regards to COVID. He does not elaborate much on whether this is as a treatment for or prophylactically, although it does indicate it is a “post infection” study. I have taken Vitamin D3 in combination with Zinc for the last couple years now. I have not had COVID, once!!! This was since I heard a great talk by Dr Ryan Cole of Idaho, USA. He made a great argument for the benefits of it to immunity. He drew the association to the lack of sun derived Vitamin D3 in the system due to shorter daylight hours and the cold and flu season. It all made perfect sense, unlike the load of garbage that is spewed out of the main steam medical system. Their ideas such as a nano size structure could possibly be inhibited by a mask with a micro size weave. This is pure physics. It’s like poring water into a sieve. It is purely and simply not designed to stop it. I swear people are mindless NPCs anymore. Why is it so hard to believe that a Vitamin could be beneficial in your immune response. If you believe the vaccine theory, which I do not. You believe it cause a response in your immune system to prepare it for exposure to a pathogen later. What if your immune system is suppressed due to lack of nutrition. Again if you believe in this BS, you would think you would want your immune system supercharged to have the best effect of the treatment. No, we live in a society where no one has to take responsibility for anything. Keep my immune system in tip top shape by feeding it properly…no. I can just take a pill and cure everything and continue to live recklessly without consequence.

Of course, I am not a doctor and this is not medical advise

Fr. Calvin Robinson on Vitamin D3 and COVID
Fr. Calvin Robinson on Vitamin D3 and COVID

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