The Milgram Experiment named after its inventor psychologist Stanley Milgram is a controversial experiment that was conducted back in 1962. It sought to answer the question of why generally descent people in Nazi Germany would be a party to such horrors as the genocide. It was a bit of a tricky test. It would get people to be subjected to increasing levels of electroshock if they got a word association questions wrong. The trick part is the person that was allegedly receiving the shocks was not the person being studied but rather the person administering the shocks. The voltages supposedly went from a harmless 15 volts up to a life threatening 450 volts. The study was to see how far the leader of the experiment could get the person administering the shocks to go despite the clear signs of increasing pain and cries to stop. It was eye opening that the around 65% of the participants would go to the final 450 volt button despite these screams and cries for mercy simply because the authority figure pressed them to complete the experiment. Crazy how easily people will follow authority even when it is completely contrary to their conscience or better judgment.

***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been verified for accuracy. Do your own research. This is simply posted as opinion.

How Far Will People go to Follow Authority?
How Far Will People go to Follow Authority?

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